Life Organizer

Creation of my life organizer in Obsidian

  1. Created a vault called “Life” which resides in iCloud, not synced via Obsidian Sync. The reasons are:
    1. It may become big and I don’t want to sync all that data every time on all devices (iCloud only downloads as needed)
    2. I want to be able to backup this directory, so I need to reach it from the file system, as opposed to being hidden in the app itself
  2. I will keep that Life vault only for documents
  3. Added the directory “Health” as a start
  4. For each document that I add in the directory Health/Files, I need to create a new note in the “Health” folder, using the template “New document”. It contains a basic structure that helps me to display the list of files and some meta data in an index page “0.Health” Using the plugin Dataview: